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You may return for a full refund for the price you paid within 30 days of delivery any new computer purchased from Amazon that is "dead on arrival", arrives in damaged condition or is still in unopened boxes. Amazon may test or inspect returns. If Amazon finds a customer has misrepresented the condition of a return, Amazon may impose a fee equal to up to 15 percent of the merchandise sales price. Any returned computer that is damaged through customer misuse, missing parts, or in unsellable condition due to customer tampering may result in the customer being charged a restocking fee based on the condition of the computer. This policy does not restrict or alter any non-excludable statutory consumer protections or rights you may have, including under the Australian Consumer Law. To view full returns terms including return instructions, merchandise-specific requirements and exclusions see our Returns Policy Page. New, used and refurbished products purchased from Marketplace vendors are subject to the returns policy of the individual vendor.
David Charles –
Great software with 1TB of storage.
Mick Nguyen –
it is stable and reliable s/w.
ML –
Product key is included in the box itself. Got the item delivered within 3 days.
Patricia –
Admittedly, I have yet to explore all that this offers. However one of the main reasons for my purchase was to reduce ad content…. that has not happened. So what am I left with? Word, Publisher, Excel….. I can get those a great deal cheaper. Perhaps I am not the best person to review this, or perhaps the benefits are not designed for what I want.
Deb –
Microsoft is a needed program what what use so it’s wasn’t really an option easy to use recommended